Ancestral Supplements


We produce one small batch at a time to ensure higher quality and attention to detail… this includes 3rd party testing all products to ensure purity and product specification. We are a small Texas-based business doing business the old fashioned way… no short cuts… higher quality… higher standards… where customers come first. Our mission is our purpose… putting back in, what the modern world has left out (to return people back to strength, health and happiness). Ideally, we would consume the whole animal (nose-to-tail) to optimally support and sustain a vibrant, disease-free life. For most, that’s just not practical in modern times. Our supplements are for individuals seeking fundamental (Liver, Bone Marrow, Organs) and targeted support (like supports like) in harmony with nature — the old fashioned way, the way that our early ancestors did.*



MADE WITH HIGHER STANDARDS: Pasture raised in New Zealand & Australia, grass-fed and grass-finished, undefatted, hormone-free, pesticide-free, GMO-free. 100% ULTRA PURE means no fillers, no flow agents and no magnesium stearate. 100% FREEZE DRIED to optimally preserve heat sensitive nutrients, co-factors and biological activity.

  • NUTRITIONALLY DENSE SUPER FOOD: High in preformed Vitamin A, B12 for energy, CoQ10, Choline, Folate, Hyaluronic Acid and Bio-Available Heme Iron. Provides all the fat soluble vitamins (A, D, K & E) in highly usable forms, and meaningful amounts of copper, zinc and chromium.
  • NOURISH YOUR WAY TO HEALTH: For healthy teeth, gums, skin and hair. Supports energy, mood, metabolism and methylation. For strong joints, connective tissue and healthy collagen. Supports heart, brain and liver health. Supports a strong immune system and glutathione status (the body’s master antioxidant).
  • WHOLE FOOD SUPPLEMENT: Get the nourishment that only whole foods (and whole food supplements) can provide. Get all the co-factors, nutrient synergy and biological activity that makes liver so amazing for you. Paleo Friendly… Primal Friendly… Ketogenic Friendly… Supports high energy demands for an active lifestyle.
  • Recommended as an integral part of a nose-to-tail keto or carnivore diet by the esteemed Liver King (Barbarian World Record Holder).



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