Our favorite handmade chocolate truffles are so easy to make – you can create a variety of truffles based on this basic recipe:

1 cup cocoa/cacao powder
1/2 cup maple syrup/agave/or raw honey or sweetener of your choice (I prefer agave)
1/4 – 1/2 cup coconut oil or coconut butter (I prefer coconut butter)

You can customize other ingredients for flavors:

1tbsp of ingredient of your choice
maca powder, coconut pieces, cacao nibs, chia seeds, slivered almonds, sea salt, matcha, goji berries…
the options are endless!
a few drops of essential oils: rose, peppermint, cinnamon
a pinch of pink Himalayan sea salt

A few of my favorite pairings are:
coconut & chia seeds
cacao nibs with maca root powder
black sesame powder with goji berries
pink salt and almond
black tea leaves and rose essential oil

You mix it all, then put it in the fridge to let it solidify.
Take a spoon and mold the chocolate it into bite size balls.
Then roll them into loose cacao powder to coat them.